My work teeters between celebratory exuberance and social commentary. I draw my inspiration from both the vibrant culture and complex social dynamics of my current and childhood surroundings. Photography allows me to be a public artist and get to know people whose portraits I take and gives me a reason to get up every morning to explore the world around me. I love conversing with people, learning their stories and attempting to capture a hint of their being on this antiquated medium. My work is purposefully colorful and vibrant. I love the punchiness of colour I am able to get from film stocks like Ektar 100 and Gold 200. The sometimes unnatural tones I am able to achieve reminds viewers that, on the outside, we are meerly what we want others to believe and our true self can, realistically, never truly be understood. Through my work, I encourage viewers to engage in meaningful conversations with others and to contemplate their own contributions to the world.